Friday, 4 December 2009

A milestone and some treasuries

Good evening. How is everyone on this cold day? I reached a milestone yesterday - 100 shop hearts! I know this may seem small but it's quite a big thing for me. My shop has been open less than two months and I'm very touched by the reception i've had so far. It really is lovely to know there are people, like yourself, out there who like what I do.

Another thing happened yesterday - I found I was in two treasuries. Yay! I've never been in more than one at a time so it's quite exciting. The first one is entitled 'Purple Dandelion'. It expires early tomorrow morning so you will have to be quick if you would like to have a look. Here's the link.

Thank you very much to the wonderful Amy of AREjewellery. Check her shop out!

The next one comes from Margaret of MissElany (a fellow Craft Britannia team member). Check out this bright treasury (ends Saturday):

I too managed to grab a spot. Here is mine. It is entitled 'Beautiful Blues' and ends Sunday:

Right I think I'm going to get back to the sorting out for the craft fair tomorrow. Wish me luck!



  1. gorgeous treasuries to be included in and the blue one is also lovely :) I tried to do a treasury but just missed out! lol oh well better luck next time! congrats on the 100 hearts, I completely understand what this means!!! All the best with the craft fair tomorrow, wishing you well

    Kind Regards
    Sandra xo

  2. Thank you for your kind words Sandra. You're not alone, I kept on missing the treasuries last week :)

