Wednesday, 2 December 2009

I love Craftgawker!

Evening all. I had a lovely surprise this morning. I did my usual check round sites on the internet and found that Craftgawker has accepted one of my entries! I'd submitted my Nimue bracelet recently and it is now on the front page along with some great finds. I love to 'gawk' at this site as I'm forever saying 'ooh that's beautiful'! I'll see what happens with this.    

I'm still running around like a headless chicken for this craft fair I'm attending (I've put the details up on the right hand side of this blog). Don't worry, I won't be closing my shop on Saturday! I've been creating items specifically for this fair and whatever doesn't sell will be listed on Etsy over the weekend. I'm so looking forward to it but I'm also quite nervous as this is my first one.

Have a great day,

Heather x

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