Sunday, 13 October 2013

4th Anniversary Extravaganza

~Anniversary Extravaganza~


It's my 4th Etsy / tatting business Anniversary! I'd like to take this opportunity to say thank you so much for all your support as I've grown and continue to grow my business. It means a great deal to me. To celebrate I'm running a giveaway right here on my blog along with a massive sale.

***There are 10 ways to enter my giveaway. You can do 1, 10 or anywhere in between. Anyone can enter, even if you're already following my blog, twitter etc. (the full rules are towards the end of this post).***

Now for the prizes:


The starting prize is this:

One green and gold 'Aster' pendant, worth $13

Once I get 25 entries I shall unlock another prize:

A Set of three large silver beaded 'Celyna' Christmas decorations, worth $17

If I receive 50 entries, I'll unlock this:

-A Set of four customizable large 'Rosetta' coasters, worth $37! You choose the colour. Find more images of this design here.
-The winner of this prize will also receive a 20% OFF coupon code for use in my Etsy shop until the end of December this year.

That's potentially THREE prize winners!


How to enter:
There are 10 ways to enter. You can do 1 of these, or all 10 or anywhere in between. 

A. Follow this blog

B. Write about this Anniversary Extravaganza on your own blog with a link back to this post.

C. Heart my shop on Etsy

D. Look through my Etsy shop, come back here and in your comment below this post tell me which is your favourite item and why.

E. Follow me on twitter

F. Tweet about this Anniversary Extravaganza with a link back to this post

G. Follow me on tumblr

H. 'Like' my Facebook fan page

I. Follow me on Pinterest

J. Buy an item or items from my Etsy shop

Each of these counts as ONE entry and each person can have a MAXIMUM of 10 entries. Once you have done any of these, comment underneath this blog post saying which entries you've completed and a way I can contact you (eg. your twitter username, blog address or Etsy username).

This giveaway is now closed.

The winner(s) will be announced Friday 25th October. I will use to pick the winners.

**This giveaway is open to everyone even if you haven't got a blog or a blogger / google account and if you had done A, C, E, G, H or I before I started this competition, you can still enter.**

To unlock the four large coasters, make sure you complete as many of these ways of entering as possible. I will update you throughout the week with how it's going.

Good luck and have fun!


I am also running a massive sale in my Etsy shop. 

Spend up to $20 for 15% OFF - use code ANNI15 during checkout
Spend $20 or more for 20% OFF - use code ANNI20 during checkout
Spend $45 or more for 30% OFF - use code ANNI30 during checkout

This offer is valid on all items in my Etsy shop until Sunday 27th October 7pm GMT / 3pm EST  The discounts are only valid when the relevant codes are used.

Thank you very much for all your support.

Heather x


  1. What lovely items so pretty, my favorite is the green necklace and the snowflake! hope to win! everything look very nice!

  2. Wow four years already!! Congratulations!!

  3. Picking A favorite's always tough for me, but the Celyna snowflake ornaments are so beautiful - exactly what I'm looking for when I'm thinking of lacy Christmas ornaments, your pattern is just perfect. :)

    C, D, E, F, G, H, I - most of which I was already doing lol. @cyanandsepia is the best way of reaching me.

  4. Happy Blogoversary!!! Well I already follow you on twitter and have hearted you etsy shop! I also looked and my fave is the Rustic Floral Tatted Lace Doily - Rosetta because I like the colors - I just started following you on tumblr! Hmmmm so that's 4 so far! Does an RT if this on twitter count too? ;)

  5. Ok so I have done ABCDEFGH and I :) many of which I have have already been doing for a number of years! :) feel free to follow me back on Pinterest and tumblr if you'd like! Are you on Instagram as well?

  6. I have done A, C, H, I, and D. My favorite items from your etsy (I couldn't pick just one!) are the purple rose coasters, tatted flower doilies and the spiral doilies. I love the look of tatted flowers and you have all of these in puples, my favorite color :)

  7. Thanks for all the entries so far :)

    We are very close to unlocking the next prize so remember to share this with your friends.

    @tattingchic - yes a RT counts. I'm not on instagram.

    Heather x

  8. Congratulations on your Blogoversary!! I follow you on Pinterest. Love your tatted pieces.

  9. Oooh... I was having a hard time choosing what I would pick from your Etsy shop, but then I saw the Butterfly Bookmark. It's fabulous! I also went ahead with H :)
    (In case I am lucky, you can reach me at laimirie at!)

  10. Congratulations on your Blagaversary! All of your pieces are beautiful. Fabulous giveaway.
    I have done A, C, D, H, & I. My favorite item in your Etsy shop is the English Rose Bookmark. I love the design and the colors. Jl at pepper dot net.
