Thursday, 15 April 2010


Good morning. I've been adding some items to my shops. These are a few pairs of earrings using the same pattern. It's quite a simple design but effective nonetheless. The first pair was tatted in lilac cotton thread and featured clear Swarovski Crystals. Find it on Etsy and Folksy.

The next is in black with amethyst crystals:

Find it here and in pounds here. The final pair is in white with light rose crystals:

Check it out here and here. I've decided to call this design Fleur as they remind me of flowers. These would make a nice inclusion to any outfit. I'm thinking of doing an all black pair and maybe black with red crystals.

At the moment I'm working on a fantasy cuff in lilac and white cotton thread. Here it is at the moment:

Today I shall be adding crystals to some of the rings to give it more of a magical, mystical feeling. I'm really looking forward to seeing how it turns out.



  1. That cuff will be very pretty!
    Fox : )

  2. Lovely little earrings. Small works of art.. :)

  3. I love the earrings so much! I love the inclusion of the beads - it adds such a full dimension to the pieces. Theresa :)

  4. Wow!!! your creations are beyond beautiful. Congratulations!

  5. Lovely earrings! That cuff is going to be fantastic! Your shop is so lovely! I am honored to be in your blog roll! Thank you so much!
