Saturday, 13 February 2010

Tatting, Craftomania and other things

Brr it's still cold here, hopefully it will warm up soon! I've got a few things I'd like to talk to you about today.


I've been working on a couple of things. The idea I had for the Lillian necklace hasn't worked so I may need to change the design slightly. I've completed the inner motif for my large necklace and need to start the outer part.

I've also had a few ideas for some large cuffs. I started one a couple of days ago, which I posted on my Facebook fan page. Forgive the blurriness in this picture. I like to wear bracelets on my right wrist. Of course this means that I have to reach the button on the camera with my left hand. Why oh why are there no left-handed cameras! Anyway this tatted cuff includes quite a few Swarovski Crystals. I'm thinking of adding an extra one in the center.

I'm now working on one of the side panels. Once I've done that I think I need to sew in the ends of the parts I've already done. I've got too many threads getting in the way!

If you are an Etsy seller have a look at this tool. It's called The Caftomania Toolbar and contains promotional sites such as Craftgawker, treasury pages, Etsy pages etc all in one place. It's extremely useful and saves a lot of time.

A few sites

I was pleasantly surprised to find I have been included in two blog posts this week. The first one comes from Threads of Magique where some picks from Etsy have been included. Thank you very much for this. I would have found it sooner but Google Alerts failed to notify me. Oh well, I suppose it can't be perfect!

The second one comes from Red Hen Studios where 'Link Love' is discussed. Great picks Julie :)



  1. absolutely beautiful...i really should learn how!!!

    wonderful...keep creating
    ciao bella

  2. Great looking cuff...
    Fox : )

  3. That's beautiful! I've been wanting to try tatting some jewellery since I saw a book on it on amazon..its still on my wishlist though! Your work is really lovely!

  4. Hi Heather,

    Absolutely *LOVE* your work. I've never heard of tatting before. The jewellery looks great!

    I've nominated your blog for a Sunshine Award :0)

    Check my blog for details:

    Het x
