Good evening. Just a few updates today. I sent my custom order off today. Here it is: a snowflake Christmas tree decoration. I tatted in quite a few silver seed beads to add a touch of sparkle.
This was my first custom order and I really enjoyed making it. I'd love to do more custom pieces. We'll see what the next few months bring!
I had a few ideas today. One I started as soon as I had written it down, the other I hope to start tomorrow. I haven't got any pictures to show you yet but you may get one in my next post. All I shall say is Valentine's Day. I'll keep you posted here, on twitter and on my Facebook fan page.
More tomorrow. Let's hope it warms up soon!
It's beautiful, well done
It's beautiful :))
Love the beads around the edges, great job!
ReplyDeleteThank you x have created some really neat stuff!
ReplyDeleteThank you :)