Saturday, 12 December 2009

Tudor inspired tatting

Good evening. We are in the process of tidying up in preparation for our Christmas tree. I feel so Christmassy, I might have to drag out the Christmas music!

I have listed two items today in my Etsy shop, both are Tudor inspired. The first is a black pendant of my Isabella pattern. The Swarovski Crystal at its centre adds a lovely sparkly touch. I really do love this design as it looks so much like a Tudor Rose. Keep checking for the necklace version of this!

The second listing is for an Elizabeth necklace in red with a pink AB teardrop glass bead. This would look lovely at a Renaissance / Tudor faire or ball or even for evening wear. I've just thought of a variation for this pattern so stay tuned for more details on that!

I have another pendant that I shall be listing tomorrow and I shall do a blog post for that then. Have a lovely day.

Heather x


  1. really lovely ... the black with the crystal is gorgeous! and the red is really striking as well .... I wonder what some of these would look like with pearls? just a thought!!! gorgeous work tho ... :)

    Sandra xoxo

  2. Thank you. That's a good idea Sandra :)
